
Some of my future goals I would like to complete in life:

High School-

  1. Complete my high school career with a 4.0 and participated in several leadership roles
  2. Possibly start my own club, company in high school
  3. Tour as many colleges as possible and get a clear understanding of where I would like to attend
  4. Take it all in while it lasts, documenting big events.
  5. As of a job, I would like to continue my detasseling job in the summers all the way through college. So far detasseling has been my favorite job and has really helped me build my character and relationships.

College options:

University Nebraska Lincoln

Grand Canyon University

Texas A&M

Liberty University

Baylor University

Hillsdale Collage

Augustana University

Kansas State
Benedictine University


  1. As of 2020, I would like to go into a nursing program to become an RN and then possibly become a Pediatric Nurse
  2. My second choice of a career is to either go into journalism or education.



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